Stormy Peters
Stormy Peters is Director of the Open Source Programs Office at Microsoft. She works with people and teams across Microsoft to help make sure Microsoft uses and contributes to open source software in a way that makes it possible for the world to achieve more through open source software.
Stormy is passionate about open source software and educates companies and communities on how open source software is changing the software industry. She is a compelling speaker who engages her audiences during and after her presentations.
She has given keynotes at 4,000+ person events such as OSCON, PyCon and LinuxConf Australia as well as talks to small groups. You can find videos of her talks online.
Before joining Microsoft, Stormy held leadership positions in open source and developer roles at Red Hat where she was head of the Community Leads, the Cloud Foundry Foundation where she was VP of Developer Relations and Mozilla where she led Developer Relations. Previously, she served as executive director of the GNOME Foundation and at OpenLogic where she set up their OpenLogic Expert Community. Stormy graduated from Rice University with a B.A. in Computer Science.
Pronouns: She, Her