Frontend Programming Overview – Phenomenal Speakers + Topics

As we've stated before, a large number of our attendees every year identify as "developers" or "programmers" (36+% did so in 2019), so developer content is extremely important to "get right". As a result, a lot of thought went into selecting and choosing this year's speakers on the Frontend Engineering track.

A variety of topics will be covered, and all be delivered by a world-class lineup.

Type-Safe APIs - Syncing Back & Front End Types w/ Code Generation

Jack Koppa, Politico

Angular in the JAMstack

Tara Manicsic, Netlify

Beyond Coding: The Hallmarks of a Great Open Source Engineer

Dr. Shallon Brown, North Studio

End to End Testing with Cypress

Avindra Fernando, Uhray

Beyond Spaghetti: Cooking up better front-end applications with inspiration from the culinary world

Ryan Lanciaux, Spaceship Studio

Leadership for Developers

Hampton Catlin, Veue

Git Workflow Etiquette: Repository Organization for Clean Codebases

Jolene Langlinais, Clause

Be sure to register today to attend both days of All Things Open 2020. For the first time ever there is a FREE option, courtesy of our Presenting Sponsors.